UPDATE – JULY 29, 2020
First and foremost, the Laurens County Council and all of the Laurens County Departments appreciate your understanding and due diligence during the recent minimizing of County Services during the recent COVID19 Pandemic. As of June 23, 2020, the Laurens County Council has elected to allow public services to resume as normal.
Your health and safety as well as our employees remain our priority focus at this time. As we begin the process of slowly re-opening, we encourage you to continue to practice safe social distancing, good hygiene, and avoiding unnecessary visits to congregate areas, especially if you are considered high risk for serious health complications. Masks or face coverings may help protect you and those around you when you are in public.
- We encourage employees, residents and visitors to continue to practice safe social distancing, avoiding unnecessary visits to high volume areas;
- We encourage employees, residents and visitors to avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands;
- We encourage employees, residents and visitors to please cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or arm sleeve when coughing or sneezing;
- We encourage the preferred use, not mandatory use, of masks (Read Resolution 2020-19C);
- We are encouraging people to use online resources when available;
- We ask for those that are sick to please stay home.
Upcoming Council Meeting Schedule
- January 12th, 2021 – Regular Council Meeting
- January 26th, 2021 – Regular Council Meeting
- February 9th, 2021 – Regular Council Meeting
The General Assembly of South Carolina chartered Laurens County to operate under the “Council Form of Government” with passage of the Local Government Law (Home Rule Act). Laurens County Council is composed of seven (7) members, each of whom are elected from a single-member district. Each Council Member serves a four-year, staggered term. During one election cycle, three (3) seats of Council (Districts 1, 4, and 5) are up for election. During the next cycle, four (4) Council seats (Districts 2, 3, 6 and 7) are up for election. The County Council Chair and Vice Chair positions are nominated and appointed among the full Council. The Vice Chairman carries out the duties of the Chairman in his / her absence.
Laurens County Council serves as the legislative, policy-making body for Laurens County Government through the adoption of budgets, ordinances, policy and procedure and resolutions. The seven (7) Member Council is considered a “Council Form of Government.” Meetings are conducted upstairs in the Historic Courthouse located on the Public Square in Downtown Laurens every second and fourth Tuesday, at 5:30 PM.
County Council Meetings
2nd & 4th Tuesday’s
5:30 PM
Historic Courthouse
200 Courthouse Square
Laurens, SC 29360
~~~Open to the public~~~
Quick Links
2020 Meeting Schedule (pdf)
Ordinance 748 – Comprehensive Plan, Amended 2013 (pdf)
Facility Rentals
Agency and General Public – Complete the application form and return to Clerk to Council at bwalsh@co.laurens.sc.us or mail to P. O. Box 445, Laurens, SC 29360.
Council Members
M. Kemp Younts | District 1
Luke Rankin | District 2
Garrett C. McDaniel | District 3
Brown Patterson | District 4
Jeffrey Dean Carroll | District 5
Diane B. Anderson | District 6
David E. Tribble, Jr. | District 7
Betty C.Walsh | Clerk to Council