Henry Laurens Award

Photo of Henry Laurens
Henry Laurens (1724 – 1792)

From time to time in years past, Council saw the need to recognize Laurens County citizens for their notable leadership and / or service to the County. With this in mind, in the early seventies, the Laurens County Council approved the concept of honoring these individuals with the Henry Laurens Award.

Nominations for this honor are made by the Members of the County Council and approved by the full Council.

Recipient Name Year
James Gambrell 2019
John Carter 2019
Stewart Jones 2019
Robert E. Shortt 2018
John A. Livingston 2018
Carole L. Knight 2018
Betty C. Walsh 2017
Ernest B. Segars 2016
Marvin Moss 2015
Diane T. Culbertson 2015
Larry Scott Holland 2015
James A. Coleman 2014
Dr. Jerman Disasa 2013
Douglas W. Stewart 2013
George S. Wham 2013
Edward A. McDaniel 2010
Dr. Peggy Prescott 2010
Sarah Jane Armstrong 2010
Hattie S. Suber 2009
Willie B. Paden 2009
Eugene C. Stoddard 2009
Judge James W. Johnson, Jr. 2008
William P. Baldwin 2002
Donny Wilder 2002
Marion Carnell 2002
James D. Wasson 2001
Joe Adair 2000
Lady Raiders Basketball Team 1999
W. Cecil Garrett 1996
W. Wilton Cooper 1996
Frankie Lunsford 1992
Thomas A. Babb 1992
Allen D. Coleman 1992
Helen Rodgers 1987
George M. Penland 1987
Vernon W. Gaines 1985
Clinton Red Devils 1985
R. Eugene Johnson 1985
Paul S. O’Dell 1985
Furman E. Thomason 1982
A. King Dixon
Clayton Woods
Presbyterian College 1979