The Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) has substantially increased the role of the public in an important environmental program. In accordance with SARA, each county in South Carolina was directed to establish a Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), composed of certain elements of both government and private industry, as well as the media and local environmental organizations. SARA’s implementation creates a significant opportunity for citizens and a major challenge to government and industry.

The mission of the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) is to protect the community from harmful and possibly life-threatening effects of a hazardous materials release by developing and implementing policies and procedures for complying with the Emergency Planning and Right-to-Know Act ( EPCRA ), Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA Title III).

The LEPC consists of representatives from the following groups: Elected Officials, Law Enforcement, Emergency Management, Fire Service, Emergency Medical Service, Public Health, Hospitals, Transportation, Environmental Organizations, Community Groups, Facility Owner/Operators, and the Media.

The Executive Committee will consist of the LPEC Chairperson, LEPC Coordinator, and the Chairpersons for each Sub-Committee. The Executive Committee shall meet at the request of any member of the Committee.


Tier II Reporting
Who is required to report?

Any fixed facility with an Extremely Hazardous Substance (EHS) at the Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ), or 500 pounds, whichever is less, as identified in the US EPA Title III consolidated list of lists, is required to report. An example of the TPQ/500 pounds requirement is sulfuric acid, which has a TPQ of 1,000 pounds that drops to 500 pounds for Tier II reporting. 

Any fixed facility with 10,000 pounds, or more, of a material with a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) that indicates an OSHA communicated health hazard, is required to report.

Report all materials as indicated in “Who is Required to Report” section above.
Reports are due no later than March 1st every year for materials maintained on-site during the previous calendar year.