Probate Court Office

Mission Statement

The Laurens County Probate Court is a County Service Agency that: 

For its public, offers quality and reliable assistance and services.

For its Litigants and Attorneys, ensures the each person and attorney appearing before the court receives fair, impartial, and judicious treatment and consideration.

For its employees, provides a pleasant work environment with teamwork to empower them to accomplish the goals of the Probate Court.


  • Provide support for family members/attorneys to handle deceased person’s affairs
  • Provide assistance in the involuntary commitment of individuals for alcohol/drug problems and/or mental illness
  • Issue marriage licenses and certified copies of marriage licenses
  • Appoint and supervise conservators and guardians
  • Approve minor settlements and wrongful death settlements

The Honorable Kaye W. Fridy
Probate Judge

Judge Kaye W. Fridy was born in Union, South Carolina.  Judge Fridy attended public schools in Spartanburg County, South Carolina, and graduated from Woodruff High School in 1975. She graduated from Spartanburg Technical College in 1976. Judge Fridy accepted a position with the Laurens County Probate Court in October, 1976 and was appointed as Deputy in 1984. Judge Fridy took her oath of office as Laurens County Probate Judge, Eighth Judicial Circuit, on June 28, 1993 and has served continuously since.

The Honorable Bryan C. Able
Associate Probate Judge


We are happy to help you if we can. However, we are allowed to help only in ways that are fair to everyone.
We are prohibited from giving legal advice.