The Treasurer is an elected Constitutional Officer responsible for the collection of property taxes, including the processing of homestead exemptions, preparation of the county tax digest, billing of taxes, and the accounting for and distribution of those taxes.

Property taxes include those assessed on real estate, public utilities, and ad valorem taxes on motor vehicles and mobile homes. These collections are disbursed to state, county, school and city governing authorities. The Treasurer also acts as an agent of the state for the titling and registration of motor vehicles.

A large percentage of the revenue realized by Laurens County and the Board of Education is generated from ad valorem taxes collected by the Treasurer. The financial stability of these institutions largely depends upon the efficient operation of the Treasurer’s office.

General Frequently Asked Questions

Delinquent Taxes FAQ


Cynthia Burke

County Treasurer


Hayley Wood

Deputy Treasurer


Contact Us

Telephone: (864) 984-4742

Physical Location: 100 Hillcrest Square, Suite E, Laurens, SC 29360