
The Laurens County Water and Sewer Commission originated from the consolidation of two (2) agencies, Laurens County Water Resource Commission and the Rabon Creek Rural Water District in 1991.  Since Greenville County and Laurens County were affected by the consolidation, two (2) separate ordinances were enacted:  Ordinance 2440 (Greenville County) and Ordinance 342 (Laurens County).  Both ordinances were amended in 2002 to exclude elected officials and employees of the County, Cities, or Commission of Public Works (see Ordinance 3560 (Greenville County) and Ordinance 504 (Laurens County).


The purpose of the Commission is to serve as the governing body of the Laurens County Water and Sewer Commission, set policy, and extend, expand, or contract service areas within the territorial jurisdiction granted by the Legislature which defines the district service area, as well as other matters related to the general operation of this entity.T


The Board of Commissioners consists of nine (9) members.  Board members must be an individual user within the service district or a resident of the service district.  Ordinance #342 (Laurens County) stipulates that there shall be one (1) Commissioner from each of the seven (7) County Council Districts, one (1) from the area of Greenville County served by the district, and one (1) from among the two (2) municipalities.  County Council recommends the nominees for the Commission to the Legislative Delegation which in turn presents these candidates’ names to the Governor for appointment.


Staggered four (4) years terms as to the seven (7) nominees of County Council.  Staggered terms directly corresponding with the terms of the Council member.  The municipal representative is for a two (2) year term rotating between the Town of Fountain Inn, the City of Laurens and the City of Clinton.  Commissioners can succeed themselves.  No compensation.

2023 Meeting Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, Commission Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month, at 8:15 AM, at the LCWSC Office, located at 3850 Hwy 221 S., Laurens, SC.

Please note: To help minimize the spread of Covid-19, access to the LCWSC building is limited. Please contact Customer Service at 864-682-3250 with questions or requests.

Click HERE to be redirected to the Laurens County Water and Sewer Commission webpage to access agendas and minutes.

    AppointeeExpiration DateCouncil District
    Diomede Hollingswoth30-Jun-23#1 - Younts
    Philip O'Dell30-Jun-25#2 - Brownlee
    Jurrell Byrd, Jr.30-Jun-25#3 - Clark
    William Teague30-Jun-23#4 - Patterson
    Susan Curry30-Jun-23#5 - Carroll
    Lumus Byrd, Jr.30-Jun-25#6 - Philson
    Ted Davenport30-Jun-25#7 - Lane
    Jimmy Young30-Jun-23Municipal