Forms and Documents
Heroes Lights of Honor form is to honor veterans every year during Christmas. An ornament will be displayed on the Christmas Tree that is located inside of the Laurens County Veterans Affairs Office from November until January. Minimum $5 donation is required per Veteran. Please make checks payable to the “Laurens County Hall of Heroes Program”
SF-180 Request Military Personnel Records
Standard Form 180 / SF-180. This form may be filled out by Veterans of the US Military of their surviving next-of-kin to view and/or release a person’s military record. The SF-180 may also be used to request a one-time replacement of Medals earned in service.
Form 21-2680 from the Department of Veteran Affairs for Examination for Housebound Status of Permanent need for Regular Aid and Attendance.
2025 Hall of Heroes Nomination Form
Downloadable information needed to complete a Veteran’s Pension Claim.
Downloadable information needed to complete a Widow’s Pension Claim.
Please Print Legibly on all forms!
Mail completed forms to:
Laurens County Veteran Affairs Office, PO Box 193, Laurens SC 29360
Contact Information for Office:
Office#: 864-984-4041
Fax#: 864-984-7589
Carey D. Bolt, Jr.
Veterans Service Officer Email address:
Wendy G. Powell
VA Office Manager Email address:
Kimberly Dixon
VA Representative Email Address: