The Laurens County Council is responsible to fund and provide the expected services for its citizens in a cost-effective manner and all the while recognizing these responsibilities by seeking the input and help of its citizens through the many County’s boards, commissions, and advisory committees. County Council created and approved Ordinance #177 in 1986 to implement a yearly report from the appointed Boards and Commissions and necessary procedures of operations.

The Boards and Commissions listed for Laurens County are Boards and Commissions where candidates are nominated by a Council Member from each seven (7) Member County Council Districts and followed by a full Council appointment process.  Newly elected Council Members have the option to newly appoint or continue with the previous representative from their respective County Council District.  Each appointed individual is expected to serve a term that runs along with the Council Members term of office.

Each year in July, the Council will review the presently seated memberships of the appointees to determine their retainment on the appointed Board, Commission, or Advisory Committee.

Applications can be submitted for consideration on any of the appointed Boards, Commission, or Committees. Applications will be retained in house until the July review time at which time should any County Council Member decide to make changes to the appointed position, he/she may do so at this time.

Click on the link below to download a copy of the application. You can fill out the application using your computer, or print and complete. If you complete the application using your computer, you will need to print the completed application in order to email the application. Completed applications can be emailed to

Please note that some browsers do not support completing Adobe PDF documents using the browser’s built-in PDF reader. You must download the application to your computer and use Adobe Reader, which can be downloaded for free by clicking here.

logo design by Emily Kienker

Capital Project Sales Tax (CPST)

Gateway Counseling (Laurens County Alcohol & Drug Abuse)

Laurens County Public Facilities Corporation Board of Directors